Gifted Magnet » Eagle Rock Gifted/High Ability Magnet Center

Eagle Rock Gifted/High Ability Magnet Center

Eagle Rock Elemetary Gifted/High Ability Magnet School is a second through sixth grade program dedicated to educating the leaders of the 21st Century. Our 5-year curriculum provides a rigorous and varied program with many enrichment opportunities. Students are regularly involved in hands-on learning and dynamic discussions that promote critical thinking, empathy and strong speaking & writing skills.
Our pedagogy and approach to education the gifted and high-ability child is based on the most current research in gifted education. The G/HA Magnet teachers motivate each child to reach their fullest academic, social and emotional potential. 
Enrollment in the magnet program requires an eChoices LAUSD application. Applicants to the magnet programs MUST be residents of LAUSD at the time of the application and while participating in the magnet programs. Out of area students are not eligible to apply for this magnet. Post office boxes are not accepted as proof of address. 
Mission Statement:
Eagle Rock Elementary School's Gifted/High Ability Magnet offers students an outstanding academic experience in a small community school environment. Our education goal is for all students to participate in rigorous educational experiences that are designed to challenge their academic giftedness.
  • We strive to understand and become aware of the ways each student's behavior impacts others.
  • We establish a supportive learning environment in which intrinsic motivation and personal responsibility are nurtured and valued.
  • We believe that a thriving learning community values healthy communication, social justice, sustainability and respect for the environment.
Vision Statement:
Eagle Rock Elementary School's Gifted/High Ability Magnet was established for students with extraordinary academic abilities. The population is culturally diverse which gives all students the opportunity to work with children of different beliefs and values. Students benefit from a challenging curriculum with high expectations from their teachers. All students score in the "proficient" and/or "advanced" category of the California Standards Test. They make a minimum of one year's academic progress each year. The curriculum is extended and enriched by activities and experiences that encourage them to think beyond their classroom walls. The educational program which meets the emotional and academic needs of these exceptional students, enables them to successfully matriculate into the most challenging middle school programs in the Los Angeles area and prepares them to function successfully in the 21st century.
Statement of Purpose:
The Gifted/High Ability Magnet is a small Magnet Center located on the campus of Eagle Rock Elementary School. It is part of the LAUSD voluntary court-ordered integration program and attempts to ameliorate the five harms of racial isolation: low academic achievement, low self-esteem, lack of access to postsecondary opportunities, interracial hostility & Intolerance, and overcrowded conditions. Although our magnet students reside in many different neighborhoods of Los Angeles, they are bound  together by their giftedness and high achievement. The cultural diversity of our students contributes to the magnet's culture by fostering a broad outlook and allowing students who might not otherwise interact, to learn to work together.
The program establishes a supportive learning environment in which students acquire knowledge & skills, develop a healthy self-image, positive social behaviors, and learn to appreciate and embrace diversity. The program has a rigorous academic focus in Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Technology and the Arts. Instruction is guided by the California State Standards, which are extended and enriched through the use of whole group, small group, partner and individual projects, which are either long or short term. Project based assessments and a choice of alternative assessments are combined with conventional tests in order to reach all students at their interest level and assess their understanding in unique way.  Intrinsic motivation, respect for other students, our community, and the environment are valued. Social skills, study skills and study habits are taught and encouraged. Our goal is to prepare students to function at their highest levels in middle school, as lifelong learners and as future leaders in our community and the world.
Belief Statement:
  • The goal of the Gifted/High Ability Magnet is to educate gifted students in a rigorous, academically challenging atmosphere commensurate with their needs and abilities.
  • Every student is entitled to an education that promotes individual respect, dignity and self-worth.
  • Students learn in different ways and have varying abilities in different subject areas.
  • Students will receive a quality education as delineated by the California Content Standards, the California State Frameworks and the guidelines established by the district's Gifted and Talented Education Program.
  • Students, parents, teachers, and administrators have a shared responsibility to advance each student's education.
  • Students need to become self-motivated, self-confident, lifelong learners beyond the confines of their classrooms.
  • Students need to sensitize themselves to the feelings of others in order to work effectively in small or large group settings.
  • The small school family atmosphere of the Gifted/High Ability Magnet encourages students in all academic subjects (Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Technology and the Arts).
  • Every year teachers will participate in professional development activities and courses to advance their academic subject knowledge and their expertise in gifted education.